
Tax Structure

  • Buy and Sell Tax: 5% on all transactions.

    • Development: 1% allocated to development efforts.

    • Marketing: 1% designated for marketing initiatives.

    • Treasury: 3% for property acquisitions, operations, and upkeep.

Token Overview

  • Max Total Supply: 100,000,000 Brick Block tokens.

  • Holders: 1,600+ unique addresses.

  • Total Transfers: 5,500+ transactions.

  • Contract Address: 0x00199C511DC889B8155fa425fc0363Ed481e8f48 (18 decimals).

Contract Relaunch

Our current contract has been relaunched, with the original contract address being 0x4c341d939444e79e68074b0d1e96ddd3bc618104. Holders who held tokens before the migration announcement were airdropped tokens on the new contract. Wallets that sniped into the project during launch were blacklisted via our smart contract to prevent a large accumulation of tokens that can adversely affect the decentralized nature of the token.

Last updated